Friday, December 23, 2011

Faith Without Works?

I was listening to one of my favorite songs on youtube: Who Am I? By Casting Crowns when I noticed the first quote shown in the video from the bible. It is the probably one of the most quoted versus in the bible. It is Ephesians 2:8-9 saying: "For it is by grace you are saved, through faith... not works, so that no one can boast. For me it raised the age old question of "Are works required to enter the kingdom of heaven?"

Before we begin, some definitions I'm using that will help understanding of my writing:
1.) 'Faith' means claiming to believe: 'Jesus is my Lord and Savior'
2.) 'Works' means spreading the Gospel with words or actions, making your faith in Christ known in the physical realm.

And I think I've answered it in a way that would actually make both sides of the arguing happy. Let's see if it makes sense once I write it... (and if it is unsatisfying or inaccurate, please tell me!)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Problem Solving via Stream of Consciousness

For some reason, I am constantly surprised when I tend to react the same way every time when I go on vacation. After being ecstatic for a break, I immediately hit a wall and start doing nothing... Unfortunately I've never planned to do nothing for a break so I feel disappointed... which makes me not plan, do nothing, and feel more disappointed!!! Whoot! Lol. Fun freakin times... haha.

Sooooo... WHY IS THIS?!?!?!

***Now I'll stream of conscious write and see what I come up with. I apologize because my stream of conscious tends to jump around and not make a ton of sense... :) ---> After writing it, I think it made sense and will offer insight into life. Make it to the end, the conclusions are pretty solid. :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Oh life... :)

A friend of mine wrote on her blog how she doesn't know what decision to make from all the different stresses falling on her. "A vacation from her vacation." And wishes "that a lot of her decisions didn't affect so much of everything else!" I laughed reading it because I have recently felt the same thing! And the funniest thing was that I thought of a potential solution, but for some reason I couldn't think of a solution when I was trying to figure it out for my own life. Have you ever noticed that in your own life? That you can easily offer advice or suggestions to other people but couldn't advise yourself the same way? 

I can see why my mentor Carlo Cipollina doesn't actually answer most of my questions anymore. He knows that if he literally just asked me the same question I ask him that more often than not I can answer it myself! It's just one of those weird things I guess... 

But now for the actual advice that I need to apply for my own life that I could only think of when trying to help her. Don't take yourself so seriously. Recently, I've been overanalyzing myself, my actions, and my life to the max. It is getting kind of ridiculous. It's something I repeatedly struggle with, the idea of permanentness in decision making. There are very few things that are the end of the world or the end all be all. Just pick something and go with it for a while. See what happens. :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

That 1 Thing

Yesterday I was challenged. The challenge was extraordinarily straightforward. It sounds easy. It was a mere question. In dreaming about all the things that we want or are striving for in our life, there is an oft forgotten or avoided question. This question I was asked to take action on is my current hardest challenge. For the last 2+ years, I have struggled with it. It is so PAINFUL that I have tried and failed and given up a myriad of times. My struggles are comparable to those who "just can't seem to keep it off" when it comes to weight.

The question was: "What is that one thing that if you would do it, that it would dramatically improve your life?" And "What are you not willing to change that you have to in order to get what you want in life?"

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Getting out of the Grind

I have been painfully reminded of perhaps the most important thing to plan for my life and anyone's life on a weekly basis. Pretty much, I got caught up in life with responsibilities. Probably never happened to you before, right? WRONG! I can't believe how easy it is to get caught up in our lives and forget to do the most important thing in our lives (which I'll get to in a minute).

So this is what happens if you forget that oh so important idea... I bet this will be TOTALLY unfamiliar (ok It'll probably be really familiar... it just happened to me today for crying out loud!). You wake up barely on time and make it to class and go through your day jumping from one commitment to anther and slightly stress out about a future/past event instead of being in the present. And then bouncing from one thing to another, you end up coming home fairly late and don't have time to really time to do anything because it is bed time. Then you wake up and repeat the process...

But this is what you gotta do... (and yes I'm going to make you press the more button to find out!)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Develop your own Study Regimen!

"My father taught me always to do more than you get paid for as an investment in your future." - Jim Rohn

The reason why I haven't been blogging as much recently is because I'm immersing myself in reading, listening, watching, and learning. If you couldn't tell, we live in the most abundant period of time that has ever existed. Never before has there been so much easily attainable information on virtually every subject at so many of our fingertips. The vastness of the internet and printed word is truly incomprehensible. Therefore, we can truly learn and become masters of any subject out there. All we must do is decide what we want, develop a plan to achieving it, and then go to get it. :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

List of Six

Do you ever struggle to plan out your day? Have you ever over-planned your day only to see it completely fall apart before your eyes? Have you ever made a 10+ item To-Do List only to become completely overwhelmed and discouraged? Have you ever accomplished a large number of things on your to-do list only to become disappointed with all the unaccomplished ones?

Well... SO HAVE I! :) Planning... is not the easiest thing. Balancing your daily schedule with the flexibility needed to survive is immensely challenging. Sometimes it seems easier to avoid making a clear plan of the day to avoid 'failing'. While you can't miss without an explicit target, you can't hit it either. However, planning out your days (weeks, months, etc) in advance isn't for the sole purpose of accomplishing the tasks. Even the best planners don't get everything done. The point of setting daily intentions isn't to hit all of them; it is to grow as a person in the process. 

Instead of beginning with a long-term plan, it is best to start small. How can you expect to plan your life if you can't manage to consistently plan and follow through on a day or week first? :) My choice daily planning system was shown to me by my mentor J Brad Britton (same person as Gratitude). This simple and effective tool is called the "List of Six."

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Expressing Gratitude to Teachers

After going over my last post on Changing Perspective, I realized that I loved the part about expressing gratitude (as I did to my friend in a phone message) so I decided to edit and expand it into a full post! :)

I believe whole heartedly in practicing gratitude at the end of the day, but expressing sincere appreciation to others is even more powerful. A mentor of mine named J Brad Britton once said, "Silent gratitude is like wrapping a gift and never giving it." Can you imagine that? How could you have a terrific present for someone who has truly impacted you life, but you give them the present? Worst of all, appreciation is one of the few truly significant needs that all people feel. To find out you are needed, important, and appreciated... It is one of the simple deep needs that everyone has. I know this first hand because I love it so much when people tell me how much I'm appreciated. Saying "Thank You" is a great start, but going out of your way to express gratitude is even better. The simplest form of gratitude is to send emails to teachers or mentors that have made a significant impact on your life. To give you an idea of how you can express your gratitude most effectively, I have a couple examples from my life that may give you some ideas. :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Changing Perspective

Whoa... Gratitude. It is powerful... As I am going to bed doing my nightly Evening Gratitude by writing in my Gratitude Journal, I decided to switch it up. Instead of strictly giving gratitude, I recently had been writing primarily about my day. I did include some things I felt grateful for in it, but it wasn't being as effective as I thought it would be. Instead of being overcome with truly grateful feelings, I was going through the motions just to get it done. And to make matters worse, tonight I was about to write about all the things I want to improve on from today. I felt like today wasn't my best because I've gotten behind on many things, hence the gap between blog posts, and was going to write out my frustrations.

But then I remembered that despite all the things I need to improve on and am struggling with, there are still things to be truly grateful for. Rather than dwelling on my failings like I really wanted to, I forced myself to write about what I'm REALLY grateful for. Changing perspective, seeing your life from another angle, is one thing I try to use to keep my focus off of myself and my problems (which causes depression) and instead recognizing the gifts I have in my life. If you are ever having trouble with expressing gratitude, ask yourself what I asked myself: "What am I really (honestly and truly) grateful for?"

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Developing Skills

While almost everyone knows the importance of having a clear end goal, it is sometimes hard to know exactly what you want. A lot of people (typically in college like myself), struggle with having an actual plan for the next couple years of their life. For people like us, it is hard to know exactly which career you will do when you 'grow up.' But there is one thing that we can do (and recommend all of you do regardless what point in life you are at) is define the skill set you will have in the future. You can plan out the specific skills that will help them you in life. 

Unfortunately a lot of people believe that they will magically wake up with new-found skills and talents. That their current procrastination and time management struggles will just end when they enter the 'real world.' I hate to break it to you, but we won't become more motivated, disciplined, responsible, or capable overnight. However, we can begin right now to develop new habits that we want to replace the ones we don't. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Eating Healthy and Local! :)

Whoot! The other day for lunch, I made a salad worth talking about. It was the first time I made a salad without any of the typical ingredients. There wasn't any lettuce, cabbage, spinach, or other type of leafy base. And no, it wasn't a pasta salad, potato salad, or even a fruit salad. It was an EPIC vegetable SALAD made with the seasons!

I was at the Davis Farmer's Market at Central Park last wednesday and went to purchase from one of my favorite vegetable vendors (Jenn at Good Humus). I wanted to make a salad and asked for any vegetable leafy base, but she said they weren't in season! Instead she recommended a crazy salad that I never would have anticipated... beets and corn! What the heck?!?! I was terrified at the thought of 1: making a salad w/o lettuce or spinach and 2: eating beets!?!?! To be honest, I sometimes forget what beets are because I almost never eat them. But I ended up getting a medley of vegetables including those recommended beets and corn. THEN I made the salad... I was so super excited and proud that I wanted to post it here AND include a picture.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nutrition Focus

"Health is the greatest commodity you can ever have." - Dr. Joseph Mercola

As you may or may not know, one thing I am immensely interested is health. Basically, it comes from the simple rhetorical question: without your health, what do you have? Health is by far the most overlooked and most simple aspect to living well. Even people who love health and advocate positive health habits can occasionally overlook its importance. Case and point would be the fact that I am writing about this past the time I should be sleeping and therefore ignoring my own advice about sleeping adequately!

I'm definitely with all of you... a work in progress. I strive to learn more and more about proper health in regards to food/drink, exercise, and sleep so that I can begin to become more healthy. My ultimate goal is to have at least 50-60 healthy fully functioning years of my life. At that age, I want to be able to physically keep up with people in their 20s and 30s (like myself now!). I have been reading about health and nutrition for a while now but haven't started a regimen to implement what I have learned. To be completely honest, I'm writing this post to help develop more and more leverage on myself to start following the information I read and my own advice. :) It is also my hope that it might inspire you to check some of this information out and begin your own health program (or at least increase your knowledge about that stuff).

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Daily Prayers 2

I'm heading to bed right now and wanted to quickly share one other prayer that is near and dear to my heart. I'm not completely sure where it stems from, but it very similar to a couple songs that I love a lot. The songs are: Brandon Heath - "Give Me Your Eyes," the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi - "Make Me a Channel of Your Peace, and a church song - "Open My Eyes."

The common theme of all these songs is that they all ask God to help us love like him, using us to reveal his love to the world. Brandon Heath talks about struggling to care about people going somewhere and asks God to be able to see them as He does. In the Song of St. Francis of Assisi, he asks God to work through him, for God to use him as an instrument to bring His LOVE to the world. Finally, in the church song, it has the line: "Give me your heart Lord, help me to love like you" - that pretty much sums it up.

So here is a version of my prayer:

Saturday, August 20, 2011

What is your time worth?

Today that question hit me like a speeding bullet while running my errands. All I wanted to do was ship a package from Davis to North Carolina because I didn't want it anymore and would get a full refund of a couple hundred dollars. I was meeting up with a friend for lunch at noon, so I arrived at the US Post Office at 11:30am with plenty of time to spare. Unfortunately, it didn't open until noon. After finishing up my other errands slightly before noon, I headed back to the US Post Office. Just as I was pulling up to park, I decided they didn't deserve my business and went to the UPS store two blocks away.

Arriving at 12:05, I find out a number of things from the UPS store clerk:

  1. It would cost me ~$20 to send it to the east coast.
  2. If I didn't open the package, because it didn't require a signature, I could return it to the sender free of charge. Of course, I opened the package to check what was inside (out of pure curiosity) even though I knew I would send it back. If it weren't for that one minute of curiosity, I could have saved money. 
  3. I could resell the contents on craigslist for profit to avoid the $20 shipping charge.
  4. I could check the USPS store to see if they'd ship it for a lower price.
  5. UPS ships ~6pm so I could check alternative options until then.

In this situation, what would you do?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Success Principle #1: LOVE LIFE! :)

I'll start off this blog, one of the first keys to being successful in life, with a couple cool quotes that I've heard recently and/or love. :)

"Don't blink... life goes faster than you think." - Kenny Chesney

"Love the life you have while creating the life of your dreams." - Hal Elrod

"I am not what I ought to be, not what I want to be, not what I am going to be, but thankful that I am not what I used to be." - John Wooden :)

Step one on being successful in life is focus on where you are right now. As the quote by Kenny Chesney attests to, life is short. There is really no reason to waste your time doing things that you derive no joy from. Therefore, you should enjoy every minute of your life (as Hal Elrod states) while you are making your life the life that you've always desired. In all likelihood, it would be easy to be depressed because there is some area of your life (like some areas in my life and everyone else's life) that you aren't performing at the level you want to be. It happens. It happens quite a lot actually. But that is no reason to keep you down. Because you are not what you used to be. You have grown, I have grown from where we were 10 years, 5 years, 1 year, maybe even one month or one week ago. However, it is quite easy to ignore the great progress that we have made...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Talent is Overrated

I'm re immersing myself into what has got to be my favorite book that I've read so far called "Talent is Overrated." The reason I say that is because I become immediately inspired and awoken after reading a couple pages. Just now I read ~5 pages and felt like I couldn't go on because there was so many deep insights in just those few pages!

Basically the book goes through spectacular performers of a variety of disciplines and analyzes what separated them from the equally (if not more) talented performers in the same field. For example, Jerry Rice is the best statistical wide receiver in the history of the NFL. But he wasn't the fastest, strongest, or biggest out there compared to the other elite wide receivers. He worked harder in a specific way called "deliberate practice." Deliberate practice is basically doing the most painful demanding hard work that you have with the specific intention of improving a small area. The best idea I can think of would be of Tiger Woods (back in the day) who would practice hitting a specific bunker shot over and over and over even though he probably would only have to take that bunker shot ~5 times in the golf season.

What I just read was really powerful. I'm at a part that discusses great innovators (including Einstein, the Beatles, Freud, Gandhi, Picasso, etc). This is my favorite quote:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My Favorite Meal EVER! :)

After studying nutrition and reading 100s of articles in the last year about foods, I have uncovered my favorite meal. Those of you who know me well may have heard me talk about it before... I may have even made it with you! It is an EPIC salad.

I can't stand it when people either have really lame salads or don't eat salads at all.  Lettuce, shredded white cheese, and croutons with caesar dressing doesn't make a salad! There is a preconceived notion out there that salads don't taste good and that it is a chore to consume them. I think that is the major cause for the lameness of most people when it comes to salad. They simply haven't been enlightened of the possibilities of a salad! They are so amazing because you basically get a bowl and put whatever you want to eat in it! I'm starting to salivate just thinking about it. So I'll jump into my ingredients...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Relationships are like Houses...

I was talking with a friend of mine just a bit ago and we came up with a pretty solid metaphor for relationships. Building a solid relationship is like building a house...

1. You can't skip steps! If you go too quickly in a relationship, you aren't building it on a solid foundation. Just as it is rather challenging to begin with walls and a ceiling without a foundation, it is difficult to build a relationship without first being good/best friends. Although it is highly possible for it to last a period of time, it is impossible for it to work out in the end. The only way that it could work out is if you went back and redid those skipped steps. Specifically, this is in regard to dating --> bf/gf too soon before a solid trusting friendship is developed. From personal experience (as well as my friend's experience) dating you BEST FRIEND is the best type of relationship you can develop. However, it is rather challenging to go back and develop a friendship after the relationship has progressed and become too physical.

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Daily Prayers 1

Since I'm going to bed right now, I was reminded of one of the prayers that I say every night before I go to bed. When I realized the addictions that I had in my life a few months ago at the end of May, a friend of mine told me an addiction that she had never told anyone else. I never would have expected it. It was then that I truly realized that in all likelihood, everyone I know is going through something that they feel they cannot control or stop. Most of the time it isn't called an addiction, but in a way it is. I separated the prayer intentionally into four parts to analyze it in its components. :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Everyone has problems

"The biggest problem that we have is thinking that we aren't supposed to have problems."

Wow... That one mindset prevents so many people, including myself at times, from being successful. Often times I have found myself, as many people do, looking up to others thinking that they have all the answers or are perfect. We too often see others with a higher position than us, a degree higher than us, a coaching postion and assume that life is easier for them. But even leaders of communities, a famous people, and successful business people experience the same feeling process as you and I. Life doesn't magically get easier or more enjoyable by having more money, more friends, more knowledge, more anything. There are still problems at all levels.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The real way to get people to learn stuff from you

“Tell me, I'll forget.   Show me, I may remember.   But, involve me, and I'll understand” - Old Chinese proverb.

One of the greatest common misconceptions that I have had before is that people are learning from me when I'm talking to them. Often times I catch myself becoming extraordinarily enthusiastic and unable to stop talking about opinions and ideas that I have. Typically the listener is nice and appears to be listening intently and understanding. But when I feel like I know all the answers and jump around to key beliefs and understandings that I have without taking time to TRULY listen to the other person, I'm not getting through to them. People lose focus very quickly (or at least I know I do) unless they are intimately involved with the conversation/talk.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Making Decisions

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear." - Mark Twain

In the last couple days I have feared making decisions, one in particular. It is quite challenging to decide to leave something that you love for the belief that there is something out there that is better. There were so many occasions that I felt confident in moving on, but regret and 'what if's' kept coming up in my head. I shied away over and over again from truly making a DECISION. My favorite way to think about decisions comes from what I heard from Anthony Robbins. He talks about decisions in reference to its latin root meaning to "cut off," as in to "cut off" all other alternatives. I have definitely avoided making real decisions fearing truly cutting off something wonderful from my life in favor of something else wonderful! 

Friday, August 5, 2011

Separating Spaces

It is simply almost impossible to do completely different activities in the same place. Having one room to eat, sleep, read, work, surf the internet, and play games is definitely not the most effective set-up. It is however the most efficient use of space, but it ultimately won't be the most efficient use of your time. Maybe my personal experiences right now will help you to find a way to figure out how to take advantage of other places besides just your one room.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Choose one MAIN priority

Yesterday I read a blog by the publisher of success magazine Darren Hardy. He just finished writing a 4 week article about the difference between Overachievers and Superachievers. The most powerful point that he repeatedly and repeatedly made was that Superachievers focus. Instead of trying to do so many things, they pick one major thing in their life and focus on that. They are able to SAY 'NO' to the other more minor things in their life. Overachievers on the other hand tend to try to do everything. They are overcommitted and overworked, but feel like that is how they should be. They want to be good at everything and want to do it now!

For me, it hit home tremendously. Yesterday I also made a list of all the things I want to do now and/or have already signed up to do now. There was easily a list over 10. DEFINITELY overachieving and not superachieving. And it took me until I began my first draft of this post to figure out why that was. Ironically it wasn't until I was attempting to explain it in writing that I was able to truly understand. (Maybe that is some lesson in the importance thinking on paper. I don't know...)

I've heard over and over again to never put anything off until tomorrow that you could do today. But I tend to take it too far harboring a great fear that if I don't do something today that I'll never do it! That is an eternal piece of advice that repeatedly goes through my head. Pablo Picasso states it best: "Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone." Quite literally I have a petrifying fear that if I don't try to do it now, I will die before it is finished. For me however, it is impossible to focus on over 10 priorities that I am passionate about at the same time! I don't think that is healthy. Actually I know it isn't because the stress that overwhelms me sometimes because of this is very unproductive and defeating. I tend to feel overwhelmed and then do very little with many days ended in frustration. 

After reading the article, I again sat down with my list of priorities... over ten things... that I'm truly passionate about. HOW TO DECIDE? HOW COULD I POSSIBLY STOP DOING ONE OF THESE THINGS? I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH! Oh the thoughts swarmed in my head causing more stress... stress is so much fun. haha.

A friend of mine offered me a few new insights that really helped me out. I can keep doing most (if not all) of what I'm doing, BUT I have to fous on ONE thing. Just because the most successful people focus on one thing doesn't mean they literally don't do anything else. They simply spend the vast majority of their time focused on one thing. 

I'll probably continue this later as I come to more conclusions for myself about focus.

I love my life! :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Blind can't lead Blind!

In Matthew Chapter 15, Jesus said: "If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." I don't know if Jesus could have been more direct or blunt than that. However, the initial interpretations don't do the quote any justice. A number of simple profound truths are represented in that passage.

1. Who to trust
In the case of this bible passage, Jesus was referring to the Pharisees as people who didn't really know what they were doing. By following them, as Jesus describes, you would fall into a pit. What Jesus didn't say was who to trust. Typically in life there are 3 types of people giving advice. Those that haven't tried it, those who tried and failed, and those who have tried and succeed. As a college student the simplest example of these types of people would be asking friends how a particular class went. Since courses are graded on a curve, clearly some will fail while others will thrive. If you asked someone who never took the course they could only repeat what they have heard from others, who may be unreliable sources. If you asked the one who failed they may cry bloody-murder and explain the impossibility of the course. But if you asked the A student, he or she could explain the proper things to do to succeed in the class. The same is with life. If you truly want to know if something is possible, ask the one who did it. Then they can tell you how and give you proper recommendations if you choose that course.

2. Know your stuff; you can't give what you don't have.
A few years ago when I first started learning about personal development philosophies and ideas, I didn't have any personal experience applying the principles. However, I preached and talked about it to whoever would listen despite the fact that my own actions frequently didn't line up with what I talked about! That is a major problem. It is truly impossible to teach people or give what you don't have. You can't help other people solve problems that you haven't solved yourself! For example, if someone comes to you who is struggling with self-confidence, you can't make them feel confident in themselves if you likewise struggle in the same area. There isn't any personal examples that you can give of your conquest over poor self-worth if you don't have any! That is one of the reasons why I've been trying to identify the addictions or subconscious worries or negative patterns of thinking or habitual critiques I have of other people. For it is only in conquering my own struggles that I will be truly able to help others.

This information can be taken two ways, as I have discussed it from two sides of the same coin. Trust people who have done it, give advice from experience. This is how you can become an expert or seek an expert. Although I'd suggest you choose both. Don't follow a blind person expecting to get to your destination, but also don't be the blind person leading people!

I love my life! :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Evening Gratitude

One of my biggest beliefs that I have been acting more so (finally) recently is expressing gratitude. I had read a bunch and heard people preaching about its immense benefits in the last couple years and have begun to reapply the philosophy. I have discovered personally in my life that expressing gratitude has a profound effect for how my days go. It prevents me from continuing in the grind of daily life. As a college student (and anyone for that matter), it is quite easy to get 'caught up' in the daily motion of life. Studying for classes, hanging out with friends, working out, taking care of kids (for parents), balancing work, and more can weigh a ton on anyone.

In his book, "Eat That Frog," Brian Tracy directly states bluntly in the third paragraph of the introduction: "The fact is that you are never going to get caught up. You will never get on top of your tasks. You will never get far enough ahead to be able to get to all those books, magazines, and leisure time activities that you dream of." Waiting until the fabled tomorrow is too often the only alternative. Before I simply waited for "free time" to express gratitude, to feel happy, and to relax. Quite frankly, I've realized that time will never come and the only solution is to somehow function with everything seemingly falling apart around you. The only way to sustain that without letting it effect you is recognizing everything that you are truly grateful for.

So this is what I've been doing recently. I have a small Gratitude Journal that I write in at the end of each day. It isn't much, just 1/2-1 page taking 5-10mins to write. I write what I am grateful for that happened in the day that passed. Additionally, I thank God for all the blessings He has given to me. I sometimes go so far to say that I TRULY appreciate him giving me the gift of this immense curiosity and thirst for knowledge that drives me toward continuous and never-ending improvement (CANI). I know that I will never stop learning new things because I love it so much. I am so grateful that nothing destroyed this curiosity (as happens to a number of people) in their earlier years. I have tons of people to thank for that too. I could rattle 10+ off the top of my head that have played critical roles in getting me here today. --- as you can see, being grateful isn't terribly challenging. It is sometimes hard to TRULY feel the gratitude, but when you do (especially after practicing more and recognizing it in your life) it feels wonderful. You can't help but improve your life after expressing your thanksgiving on a daily basis!

I love my life. :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

What Am I Interested In

If anyone reads this in the near future... I'm surprised and excited.

I haven't really decided what I'll write about in this blog. Recently, as the title implies I have been reading and reading and watching and learning a wide variety of things that interest me. Primarily that is education, positive-psychology, learning, success, communication, leadership, spirituality, and ESPECIALLY health, wellness, fitness, and more. I am obsessed with having the best life ever. I have no idea why, but I am. More or less, it is my desire to be physically capable FAR past my peak and live extraordinarily long. I am researching health and nutrition to apply it to my own life to achieve a peak lifestyle (which I'll be attempting to start this week since I have spent the last number of months merely theorizing about it).

I'll keep you (or just myself since I haven't told anyone about this blog yet) updated on how it is doing and store my ideas and theories on this. I'm quite excited for this blog about my life. And I always end w/e I write the same way...

I love my life! :)