Friday, November 4, 2011

That 1 Thing

Yesterday I was challenged. The challenge was extraordinarily straightforward. It sounds easy. It was a mere question. In dreaming about all the things that we want or are striving for in our life, there is an oft forgotten or avoided question. This question I was asked to take action on is my current hardest challenge. For the last 2+ years, I have struggled with it. It is so PAINFUL that I have tried and failed and given up a myriad of times. My struggles are comparable to those who "just can't seem to keep it off" when it comes to weight.

The question was: "What is that one thing that if you would do it, that it would dramatically improve your life?" And "What are you not willing to change that you have to in order to get what you want in life?"

As I have already alluded to, I have been weighed down by not acting on this question for the last 2+ years. For me, this is my routine. I struggle SO MUCH with it that it is sometimes unreal for me to realize it. It all stems from my sleeping cycle and compounds on every single thing in my life. By simply not going to bed on time, I struggle to wake up on time. When I don't wake up on time, I miss classes, skip meals, forgo reading, forgo praying, don't blog, forget about my dreams and goals in life, and so much more. Basically, this one action tears down everything else in my life. 

Sometimes staying up late makes me skip writing in my gratitude journal (like last night). Sometimes it causes me to fail to plan my next day. I have forgotten tasks, lost messages, and wasted time because I didn't succeed in my evening routine. 

If you can't tell already, I'm IMMENSELY rusty when it comes to writing! I have neglected my blog this entire quarter because, in part, for my failed routine. There are no excuses when it comes to getting stuff done. I know I could have blogged at least weekly throughout the quarter (my goal was 2x/wk I believe), but failed because of my lack of prioritizing. Ideally, my prioritizing would occur in my bed routine as well as my saturday/sunday weekly planning session. However, I have not done either routine and messed that all up completely. For example, I haven't planned anything for this week... Kinda a significant problem, especially when I make appointments with people and don't write it down!

I could go on, but I think you get the idea. Clearly, if I could fix this ONE THING, I would dramatically improve all areas of my life. 

So I ask you (if anyone actually looks at this anymore since I haven't posted for ~2 months), what is that ONE THING that you could do that would dramatically improve your life? What is that one thing that you aren't willing to change that would make all the difference? How soon will you change it? Or minimally, what can you do now to make it so that you make measurable progress in the right direction (because permanent change doesn't happen overnight)?

Feel free to comment below! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Currently, to learn how to relax. Sleep is essential to not only keeping priorities and your daily routine in check, but also makes you a happier and more enjoyable person to be around. You think faster, and in a better view too.

    Relaxation is a key that takes tension away even if you've gotten enough sleep. Throughout the day you accumulate stresses, for me, especially in my shoulders and back *hint hint ;) *, so I don't get the more important deep sleep because of it. I have been solving this problem though, by taking Yoga and practicing breathing techniques, as well as focusing more on my spiritual beliefs too. It has solved much in my life.
    Have you thought of trying to find solutions to your sleep deprivation/ staying up late tasks? What are they? Sounds like you need someone to keep you in check, like a girlfriend.. haha jk. but seriously, someone reliable.
