Friday, September 16, 2011

Develop your own Study Regimen!

"My father taught me always to do more than you get paid for as an investment in your future." - Jim Rohn

The reason why I haven't been blogging as much recently is because I'm immersing myself in reading, listening, watching, and learning. If you couldn't tell, we live in the most abundant period of time that has ever existed. Never before has there been so much easily attainable information on virtually every subject at so many of our fingertips. The vastness of the internet and printed word is truly incomprehensible. Therefore, we can truly learn and become masters of any subject out there. All we must do is decide what we want, develop a plan to achieving it, and then go to get it. :)

The connection to the quote is that we aren't explicitly paid to develop ourselves in the ways we desire to be. It takes years (perhaps over a decade) to build up a new talent or skill, just ask a professional athlete or business owner how much they had to do in order to get where they are today. It would be impractical to expect a monetary return on your studying immediately. How many years of schooling do we have before we are paid professionally? A lot!

I heard a perfect analogy that describes the learning and self-development process perfectly. It would be like beginning to build a bridge that takes 3 years to make. After 1.5 years would it be fair for someone to ask you how much profits you are making in that bridge? Of course not! You haven't finished building the bridge yet! You would make more immediate profits using a barge to ferry across the cars. However after those 3 years, the barge drivers would be out of work because your bridge would be operational.

I suggest doing two things right now:
#1: Make a decision (as I did last week) and identify what you want in your life
#2: Start seeking and striving for what you want in your life.

What I want most of all is to have a LIFE: Living Intentionally & Fulfilled Everyday. I want to be able to financially support myself to spend all my days growing and helping other people grow. I want to build communities of people who love and support each other. I want to share with people the truths I have learned about the world: we can be happy everyday; anyone can make a difference in the lives of others; and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same.

In the last few years I have been doing a pretty solid job at learning and growing and absorbing as much knowledge as possible about life and how to live it. I feel prepared enough, despite my woefully inadequate knowledge, to live by these learned principles and share them with people that I know. :)

I strongly encourage you to do the same! :)

I love my life! :)

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