Monday, August 8, 2011

Making Decisions

"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear." - Mark Twain

In the last couple days I have feared making decisions, one in particular. It is quite challenging to decide to leave something that you love for the belief that there is something out there that is better. There were so many occasions that I felt confident in moving on, but regret and 'what if's' kept coming up in my head. I shied away over and over again from truly making a DECISION. My favorite way to think about decisions comes from what I heard from Anthony Robbins. He talks about decisions in reference to its latin root meaning to "cut off," as in to "cut off" all other alternatives. I have definitely avoided making real decisions fearing truly cutting off something wonderful from my life in favor of something else wonderful! 

Making a decision out of fear is definitely not the reason anyone should make a decision.... To myself, I would say: "I feel comfortable. This is good enough. I like this. This is safe." BUT it isn't me being all that I can be. In other words, I was really saying: "I don't have faith that life could possibly better than this even though deep inside I believe it could be. I am scared of the unknown, of losing someone who has been such a great part of my life. I'm scared to trust life and follow through on the decision I KNOW I should make."  Holding back because of potential fear is never the way I want to live my life or a way I recommend anyone living their life.

A great manager for Vector Marketing once described living in fear as constantly wondering: "Should I, or should I not?" That just sounds like a horrible way to live! Waking up in the morning and wondering if I should give everything I have and try because... "I might fail!" FEAR in English is merely an acronym meaning: False Expectations Appearing Real. Nearly every time we feel fear, that is all it is... 

Therefore, I'm taking action on my fear! That is how you grow and fear less. "Feel the fear and do it anyway!" :) Great way to live life.

I love my life! :)

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