Thursday, August 4, 2011

Choose one MAIN priority

Yesterday I read a blog by the publisher of success magazine Darren Hardy. He just finished writing a 4 week article about the difference between Overachievers and Superachievers. The most powerful point that he repeatedly and repeatedly made was that Superachievers focus. Instead of trying to do so many things, they pick one major thing in their life and focus on that. They are able to SAY 'NO' to the other more minor things in their life. Overachievers on the other hand tend to try to do everything. They are overcommitted and overworked, but feel like that is how they should be. They want to be good at everything and want to do it now!

For me, it hit home tremendously. Yesterday I also made a list of all the things I want to do now and/or have already signed up to do now. There was easily a list over 10. DEFINITELY overachieving and not superachieving. And it took me until I began my first draft of this post to figure out why that was. Ironically it wasn't until I was attempting to explain it in writing that I was able to truly understand. (Maybe that is some lesson in the importance thinking on paper. I don't know...)

I've heard over and over again to never put anything off until tomorrow that you could do today. But I tend to take it too far harboring a great fear that if I don't do something today that I'll never do it! That is an eternal piece of advice that repeatedly goes through my head. Pablo Picasso states it best: "Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone." Quite literally I have a petrifying fear that if I don't try to do it now, I will die before it is finished. For me however, it is impossible to focus on over 10 priorities that I am passionate about at the same time! I don't think that is healthy. Actually I know it isn't because the stress that overwhelms me sometimes because of this is very unproductive and defeating. I tend to feel overwhelmed and then do very little with many days ended in frustration. 

After reading the article, I again sat down with my list of priorities... over ten things... that I'm truly passionate about. HOW TO DECIDE? HOW COULD I POSSIBLY STOP DOING ONE OF THESE THINGS? I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH! Oh the thoughts swarmed in my head causing more stress... stress is so much fun. haha.

A friend of mine offered me a few new insights that really helped me out. I can keep doing most (if not all) of what I'm doing, BUT I have to fous on ONE thing. Just because the most successful people focus on one thing doesn't mean they literally don't do anything else. They simply spend the vast majority of their time focused on one thing. 

I'll probably continue this later as I come to more conclusions for myself about focus.

I love my life! :)

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