Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Words are POWERFUL!

Wow wow wow wow. Words are POWERFUL! :) Today, I was reminded of that. 

I love complements. And for some reason, I don't think I'm in the minority here. Lol. I have this strange feeling that everyone enjoys being noticed and recognized. Everyone, from the murders to the saints, from the slaves to the kings, love to be complemented and praised for their work. 

Today and yesterday I received a few complements and words of appreciation that made a major impact for me. Sometimes... you just need some reassurance that you're on the right path, that you are capable, that you are improving, that someone also believes in you. 
I have been recently reading the blog of a friend of mine and made a couple comments on it. After my first comment, my friend really liked the comment. And then again today (after I said who I was because the comments were anonymous), I was again told: "I'm glad you revealed yourself. :) I really like your comments." I'm not sure about you, but when I talk about stuff that I've learned or offer insight, I feel REALLY SMART. I think that I'm just the smartest person in the world. So, when someone goes out of their way and THANKS me for that... I feel SOOOOOOO good and truly appreciate it. :)

In the last week, I've averaged reading ~30 pages per day. This is the most consistently I've read at the highest volume in my life. I received a text from one of my mentors today saying, "You go!" Despite its short length, I felt REALLY good. I am REALLY proud of myself for making this progress and I am so appreciative when others are proud of me too. This is more than I've ever made on reading in my life. Only a handful of years in the past, I posted on an internet profile about myself in the books I like section: "I'll let you know when I read one." I seriously saw reading as a waste of time. I've been slowly liking to read again for the last couple years, but now I am on track and someone recognized me for it... :D :D Another of my mentors yesterday told me: "That is so awesome! Great job breaking through that." and "Wow. That's awesome Jeff! I am so ridiculously proud of you. Great job!" And that made me feel SOOOOOO GOOD! I'm so appreciative that they recognize the importance of telling people that they are doing a great job. I am going to read 5 books in 5 weeks, which is by far the most I've ever done before. I finished a book in this last week (that isn't a part of the 5 in 5) and am on track. :)

I'm so grateful that I have those people and a few others that I can count on to give me praise. I got a text at 11:11 from one of my best friends. I got to talk to another one just before bed last night. I'm talking to another one soon tonight. I texted another one today who is ALWAYS there for me when I need someone to listen. *sigh. Like is good. 

So if you'd like to take something away from this... #1: Everybody thinks that what they're doing in life is smart and awesome. Everyone is the center of their own universe. #2: If you praise anyone for something SINCERELY (or become sincerely interested in what they're saying), they will think ridiculously highly of you. And they will feel really good. 

--- "Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears."

I love my life! :)


  1. It is good to feel aknowledged and get praise for what you are doing!! What a thoughtful post. Sometimes we need those compliments to get us through the day and reassure us that there are people who care!! I just want to tell you that your blog is so inspiring thanks for posting such interesting stuff on here!!

  2. I came across your profile just now, I think your faith is inspiring. I've been trying to form a relationship with Jesus lately. I've always beleived in God, but Jesus was a different story. Lately, life has been crumbling to the ground and I just really want to seek God now, but I don't know how or anything. I didn't know if you could be comfortable shooting me an email. I could kind of use a good Christian to talk to, if you'd be cool with that. Thanks for your posts, they are great to read!

    My email is
